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Open Books

I'm Gazala,

You're average middle-school idealist with her head in the clouds and her fingers typing faster than Harry can say, “Expelliarmus!” A lover of good music, goldendoodles, chocolate lava cakes, snow, and stories. A hater of tomatoes, rats, and horror movies.


Stories keep me going. The idea that you can live in a completely different world without going anywhere interests me. I can see the world through the eyes of someone who sees every little thing, or the eyes of a person who sees nothing at all - all while sitting on my couch.


In this blog, you will find recommendations, reviews, rants (about what's happening in the world around me, news stories, life as a middle-schooler, and other topics that interest me), and even some stories that I’ve written myself. I hope you enjoy seeing the world through my eyes as you read.

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